
Puławski Park Naukowo-Technologiczny „Platforma Startowa WAB”
Best project overall among incubated startups for 2021.

Second place in the PARP challenge

Attend the Acceleration and Mentoring Program on Sebastian Kulczyk’s Incredible Inspirations platform for the best startups 2021.

Carpathian Startup Fest 2022
Category – Best Startup – 1st place
Special Awards:
Prefactum Award
Innergo Systems Award

We are among the TOP 100 startups that were recognized in the CEE Startup Challenge by Vestbee!

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We have been nominated in the INVEST CUFFS 2023 competition in the Best Startup 2022 category.

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Competition #HuaweiStartupChallenge3
We are among the 20 best Polish startups (selected from 168) !

Orły Innowacji Rzeczpospolitej ​
Main award in the category ​
– Best technological solution –